
Common language

The common language is a language that Quintra and Denday taught their creations as a means to communicate with them and each other. Since they did create nearly all common races it was logical for them to want to have a way for everyone to communicate. In fact, this language which now is simply referred to as common was the only language that Quintra and Denday taught. The twin goddesses made sure that everyone of their subjects could at least speak the language. But they only taught the more intelligent individuals the written form of the common language with the assignment for them to teach others.

There is a lot of evidence suggesting that before the Age of Darkness nearly everyone could read and write as well as speak the common language. But during the great war this however seemed to have changed when education of the written word became less important than learning how to fight.

Nowadays it’s not uncommon for a person to only be able to read and write when either their parents could or they themselves pay for a tutor to teach them to read and write. A number of occupations also would teach reading and writing. But a fighter, or farmer or blacksmith mostly doesn’t know how to read or write.

Demonic language

The Demonic language is the language spoken by the creatures that are corrupted by Ghor. It’s often also referred to as the Ghor language or the plague language but more widely they call it the demonic language because it is said that hearing the language alone has the power to metaphorically and sometimes literally wake up the demons inside someone’s head. Creatures of Ghor like necromancers, warlocks and liches are said to speak this language to conjure up the dead and make them do their bidding, or to spread the corruption and plagues of Ghor. Just as the language of magic can be used to manipulate magic into elemental magic so can the demonic language be used to manipulate magic into dark magic.

The demonic language also has its own written script, there is a lot of written evidence to support this. There are references of encounters of scrolls in the demonic language to whole spell books full of it that are often called grimoires. Yet hardly anyone that is not a creature of Ghor speaks or reads the language because it is widely known that any attempt to translate and read the script out loud will have a significant chance of being corrupted by Ghor himself.

Divine language

The so called divine language is the language that was spoken by the gods. The only real evidence of the existence of this language is countless mentions of the old gods speaking in a strange tongue that the author or person who told the story couldn’t comprehend. But there are no records or tales at all about there ever having been a written version of this language. There is no doubt however that there is a written version, but it seems likely that the gods themselves have hardly ever actually written anything down and even if they did it seems to have been destroyed or lost in time.

Language of Magic

The language of magic seems to have been created by the first dragons. It was a means for them to write magical properties on parchments and was later used to describe and teach runes as well as control over elemental magic.

The language of magic is a spoken as well as written language even though speaking the language of magic will always invoke magic and thus you will hardly hear it being used in conversation. Unless someone is trying give magical meaning to what they want to say.

Mystic language

The mystic language is the language spoken by the creatures originally created by Eonil. Mystic therefore is spoken by Ee’dornil, Centaurs, Minotaur, Satyrs, Fauns, Birdmen, Fairies, Pixies, Nymphs and Merfolk. The mystic language is often referred to as the language of Eonil or the language of Nature.

Even though there is an actual written script of the Mystic language it’s not very common. The creatures of Eonil hardly ever use it and if they do they tend to carve something in stone or on a piece of wood. The mystic language will only be found written on parchment when someone else has copied a text onto parchment or paper.

Night dweller language

When Denday started to bless her subjects and they first started identifying themselves as night dwellers they created their own language to be able to communicate with each other without the followers of Quintra understanding them. There is plenty of evidence about the existence of this language, yet barely anyone knowns this language nowadays. Even the Night dwellers who might still be out there don’t actually speak the language anymore. They still know a couple of words and sentences which are more like blessings and common saying of the olden days then actually knowing the language.

Race languages

During the age of darkness the different races started to be a little less trusting of each other. Some felt the need to be able to communicate with their own race without the other races having to know what they were saying. But also the fact that the races themselves started to live together with their own races instead of having mixed race cities slowly changed the common language and the way each separate race communicated with each other. What started off as a dialect over the years slowly started to turn into a different language. At the present day the dialects spoken and written by each race is considered their own language. So the other languages known in Eonil are Human, Elf, Halfling, Gnome and Dwarf.

Rune language

The rune language is not exactly a spoken language. But there are a number of runes that were first created by the dragons that hold significant magical properties. Each rune has a specific meaning and invokes a specific type of magic.

Though it seems to be a rare occasion there are still people living today who have claimed to not only have met a dragon, but to also be tutored by this dragon in the ways of magic or runes.