
All beings on Eonil have a certain alignment. Even though alignments are often seen in the way someone behaves there are also some assumed alignments when it comes specific type of creatures. It is a fact that all creatures created or corrupted by Ghor are evil, but when someone is just corrupted by Ghor they don’t have to be evil yet. The more corrupted someone gets, the more his or her alignment switches towards evil. In the same fashion it’s assumed that most if not all creatures of Eonil are neutral by nature. Yet there are clear exceptions to this as dragon also are seen as creatures of Eonil and some of them are said to be good.

There are also a lot of misconceptions when it comes to alignments where people just assume a certain group to be a certain alignment. Even though there aren’t many left it is said that all Night Dwellers or other followers of Denday were and are evil. In the same fashion it is said that all followers of Quintra, even Quintra’s Onslaught were, however misguided, still good. This however clearly isn’t true. Not all Night Dwellers were and are evil and Quintra’s Onslaught most certainly weren’t good.

Alignments on Eonil follow the same concept as many other games. You have Good, Neutral and Evil as well as Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic. An alignment is mostly a combination of the two, so for example Lawful good or Chaotic Evil.


Good creatures have a respect for all life. They have great tendencies to do what is right, even at their own cost. They also may feel the need to protect others, especially the innocent and would sometimes protect them even at great expense of themselves.


Neutral creatures are often free from prejudice, moral or ethical obligations and compulsion. Some might be seen as mostly just thinking about themselves. Others just think it’s potentially dangerous to act on moral, ethical or even dogmatic views. Especially Neutral neutral beings, often referred to as true neutral are seen as the typical ‘neutral’ party or voice in discussion. Many neutral creatures probably wouldn’t get involved in matters between good and evil and if forced might choose to do nothing or even turn against their company.


Evil creatures have little to no respect for other life at all. They will not hesitate to destroy life if they need to with little remorse, sometimes even killing or destroying just to kill or destroy. They don’t seem to need a reason at all.


Lawful creatures very strongly obey the ‘laws’ of what they believe in. So these aren’t the laws of the place they live in but rather the laws of the group they are with or the faith they follow. They are often seen as honorable, trustworthy and obedient. But because of their belief they can be very close minded, self-righteous, inflexible and in some ways dependable.


Chaotic creatures are often seen as impulsive. It seems like they do whatever they feel like doing and can change their minds every second. They want to have freedom and very much like flexibility. Yet they often seem to be irresponsible and have something against authority.