Night Dwellers

Like Angels and Demi Gods Night Dwellers aren’t a specific race. In this case they were blessed by Denday specifically and adapted to live during the night, or survive in dark places rather than life during the day. Their skin turned either dark or pale, their hair would range from white to black or other dark colors but hardly ever blonde, brown or red. Their eyes would either turn white, sometimes being very soft pastel colors or be very dark. Most of them were also blessed with Night Vision so they could see clearly in the dark. A common side effect of this night vision would be illuminating eyes.

Nowadays without Denday’s blessing the few night dwellers who still remain find their possible night vision to make them oversensitive to the light. They have learned to survive by venturing deep within dark parts of the forests or caves. Though night dwellers aren’t a common sight to be seen there are many scholars say that there most likely is a night dwellers colony of nearly every race somewhere on Eonil. You mostly have to know where to look if you truly want to come in contact with one, but most night dwellers are very withdrawn and very skeptical of any none night dwellers seeking them out. This is mostly because for a long time they were seen as heretics simply because of the color of their skin and hair and thus were openly hunted down and killed by members of the New Faiths.