
Once the Ee’dornil were a group of elven night dweller who at some point came in contact with some creatures of Eonil. They soon after converted to become followers of Eonil and because of this Denday’s blessings started to diminish and Eonil started blessing these elves with blessings of her own. They weren’t shy about mixing blood with Eonil’s creatures either, considering it a great honor to do so. Over a short period of time their bodies started growing taller, their ears elongated and their skin took on more pink, purple and blue tones. Their hair also started getting more color ranging from silvery white to deep purple, green or dark blue. Most of them had straight to wavy hair. Their eyes began to glow in various light tints of pastel, it was a clear sign of the Ee’dornil gaining special senses. Their eyesight, smell, hearing and taste would increase and they now openly started calling themselves the Ee’dornil which meant the children of Eonil. One other commonly known trait that Ee’dornil have gained from Eonil’s blessing is immortality in the fact that they magically stop aging after reaching adulthood.

Within the society the creatures of Eonil they became the guardians, also being among the few creations of Eonil to openly come forth to the other races created by Denday and Quintra. For a while they were guardian and spokespeople for those who worshipped Eonil. Taking on a matriarchal culture the women were the rulers of the Ee’dornil. Traditionally they became the priestesses of the Eonil worship but also the warriors and scouts known as the Amazons, the defense of the Ee’dornil race. Male Ee’dornil would often study with some of the ancient creatures of Eonil to learn what they could about nature and became powerful druids of the lands. Not only did nature obey their every will, they were also known for their abilities to morph into various creatures of their choosing. Other male Ee’dornil chose to stay at home and arrange everything there, or they studied magic and became the mystics. The druids were the guardians of the creatures of Eonil, especially those who couldn’t fend for themselves while the amazons and priestesses were the guardians of the Faith of Eonil.

Ee’dornil are one with nature, as they see Eonil’s beauty in all of it. Since the planet is basically Eonil they worship every natural creation of Eonil. They keep balance and only kill animal to maintain it or when absolutely necessary. They live in houses made out of natural material built in and around trees. Their clothes are mostly leather and fine materials made from nature. Apart from silver and white colors they will mostly stick to natural colors and tints of blues and purple.

Ee’dornil nowadays are a rare sight but everyone knows they are still out there. Their home was on the lost continent and rumors say there are still Ee’dornil living on Eedrasil’s rest, but they have completely retreated themselves from the Xaverion Islands in open contact. Still there are frequent reports of Ee’dornil sightings on the Xaverion Island, Estonya and even on Maycia. But no sighting has ever lead to actual contact. For the inhabitants of the Xaverion Islands it’s unsure if the Ee’dornil are few in numbers and scattered around, or if they might have a secret settlement somewhere near.