Dragons were originally created by Eonil. The first dragons were born from her magic combined with elements in nature. For this same reason it is said that the manipulation of Eonil’s magic into elemental magic was created by the dragons themselves. They were the first creatures on Eonil to have control over magic and the elements. With their extremely high intelligence they were also the creators of the language of magic. They kept fast records of symbols like magical runes, but also scrolls and books containing spells which they used to teach others to safely use magic. Later more dragons were created in the same way but they weren’t necessarily created by Eonil. This is why there are dragons of every alignment since for example the combination of Eonil’s magic with Ghor’s corrupting properties created the first evil dragons. But legend also said that a pile of gold in combination with Eonil’s magic created the first golden dragon egg. Dragons are said to be the guardians of certain aspects. This can be an element like Fire, Water, Earth, Air or Nature. But also aspects like Light or Shadow, Corruption, Gold, Crystal, Ice, and so forth.