Cubs of Breyanne

Breyanne is a mythical tigress who has been named in texts from as far back as the second era. Though nowadays the existence of the actual tiger is stuff of legend there are creatures wandering the forest that are most commonly referred to as the cubs of Breyanne. These small tiger like creatures seem to be some kind of tiger and lynx hybrid. They are the size of a small Lynx and have the head of a lynx, but they have the fur of a tiger. Their tail is also much longer than that of a tiger.

Breyanne cubs are excellent climbers and are mostly found hidden away in the forest. They live off small critters such as, mice, rats, birds and rabbits. They live in small family groups, mostly just the parents and their children and they wander around all the time.

Some people swear that Breyanne cubs have night vision and that they can be trained to be nocturnal or not. This is also why there are many tails that Breyanne cubs used to be the favorite animal companion of Night dwellers. This has given the catlike creatures a bad reputation, even though Breyanne cubs themselves aren’t aggressive to people by nature. Over the years this has caused the smart cats to avoid people.

Still Breyanne cubs make excellent animal companions or familiars if they are trained right. Because of their high intelligence and being more magical then normal critters it is also really possible to form a magical bond with a Breyanne cub.