Riff XR (head) canon Lore

This world is unknown to me. Why did I wake up here? Who am I… Wait I do know my name… But I cannot remember how I got here, I don’t even know where here is. I’m not alone though. Every day new people seem to be appearing here. What is Riff XR? Why have I been brought here, what am I supposed to do now? Can I go home? Do I want to go home? As scary as this place seems to be, it also somehow calls to me, like it’s willing me to look around, to explore… Maybe I will stay a while…

This section of my website explores the Lore I will be using for Roleplaying purposes in a game called Riff XR. I want to see if I can stay as close as I possibly can to the games actual Lore but as of this moment I don’t know if there actually is any official Lore at all. To this end the lore described on these pages are Head canon from me (Suraia) and are subject to change the more I find out about the game and the story behind it.


We do not know who created Riff or why? There are some theories, but one is as unlikely as the other. We assume it a technology that makes use of the Multiverse of infinite numbers and versions of worlds, some of which seem to be connected through portals. This place we have called the Plaza seems to be some sort of pocket worlds or pocket dimension. We believe whomever is behind the Riffs quiet possibly created this Plaza as a sort of central hub. Maybe the giant ball in the sky holds some clues, but we cannot go there. Maybe all the ‘worlds’ we find at other ends of a portal are pocket worlds or dimensions created by whomever is behind this… We do not even have a name for them… it… they? We do not know if it’s is a person, a race, a corporation or something entirely else. We need more information.


It has quickly occurred to us that something strange is going on. I am me… yet I do not feel like myself entirely. Some of the others have found they can change physical appearance… We called them IK’s… Apparently you can find them somewhere and some appear to be well stronger then others for a lack of a better word. It’s almost like I am not really here, like my mind is being stored somehow and I can transfer myself into different people’s skins as well as these IK’s that look more like robots… I am not even certain if I’m real… of if this is just somehow a manifestation of me in one way or another. Even if we well… die… we wake up some place else, almost as if we have been reconstructed there. Does that make sense?


There are portals all scattered around the Plaza, some visible, some invisible. But they take you to other places. These worlds are all vastly different from each other. Some have magic, some have things called robots, some have the dead that seems to have come back to life and are trying to well… eat you I guess… As we explore further we seem to find more and more portals to other worlds. I am wondering if these portals just appear in a world that is part of the multiverse, or if somehow a small part of a world is recreated in some way that can be visited through these portals, more like dimensions of a world then the actual world itself.

But why are they created, who is creating them? To what end? Maybe if we explore enough of these worlds we can find clues as to what is going on or who is behind this?

Data and items

It has appeared to me that you can collect data. I think somewhere I have a digital storage for this and it feels like collecting this data is important. I wonder if I can trade it? I wonder what would be done with this data. Mostly data is collected to do research… but what kind of research, who are we collecting for? What else can we do with this data… so many questions, so little answers. One this is for certain though, not all data can be collected alone.

Sometimes you don’t get data, sometimes you get other things too… like the IK’s or some different kind of weapons. One thing is for certain though, some worlds are dangerous, you will need to collect to defend yourself, to have a better chance of surviving here wherever here is… And it also gets easier if you’re not alone… We should work together, but sometimes I wonder… sometimes I fear not everyone might be what they appear to be or say they are… what if not all of us are in the same boat… could there be… players who know more they they are letting on?