Riff XR

Riff XR is a VR MMORPG that is being build in Unreal Engine 5.3. It has been on Steam in early access for over a year now and had recently launched on App lab for Meta standalone devices.

As I learn Unreal Engine I am also making avatars for this game and maybe in the future worlds as well. I dedicate this section of my own website for showcasing my little corner of Riff XR. This includes avatars, worlds and maybe even some (head) canon lore about my avatars and worlds within the game. Maybe I will even include some personal head canon of overall Riff Lore in the future.

Lenore Vroid Model

To me Riff XR seems like virtual place where all sorts of being from all sorts of worlds meet. It is a fast multiverse where different being from different worlds and times find themselves. Most of them will not know how or why they got there, but one theory is that they are not ‘real’ or not really there. This is supported by the fact that if one dies you can nearly instantly ‘wake up’ at specific points. Sometimes it also seems like there are several ‘copies’ of the same person, yet they are all clearly different people. Almost as if they are virtual copies of a being that can be worn like a sleeve or an avatar. Almost as if the data for that ‘person’ is stored somewhere and it can be recreated and duplicated at will. But who is behind this? Why is this happening? Through future roleplaying I hope to explore the Lore and secrets of this game, (head) canon or not and create a believable In character/In game story within Riff XR.

To learn about avatar creation I started with two Ready Player Me avatars Alice and Alex and then a Vroid model named Lenore. After this I started working on my first custom model from Eonil. The idea behind it is that ‘a version of Eonil’ is somehow connected to the Riff multiverse. Therefore some places in Eonil and some beings from Eonil can and will appear in Riff XR.

My first fully custom avatar is Nimue, she is an Oakhai from Eonil. Oakhai being a human and animal hybrid race. In other words she’s a cat girl, or technically speaking a fox girl. Once she is finished and available in Riff XR I will be thinking of the next project I will be working on for Riff.

All my avatars are public avatars that everyone can use. I will be creating lore sheets for all of them as well. I will be doing the same for possible worlds I will be making in the future.