The third era, the age of light

The defeat of the night dwellers marked the beginning of the third era, the age of light. Soon there was peace on Eonil again and under Quintra’s watchful eye Eonil flourished and prospered further.

The Ee’dornil travelled back to what is now knows as the Xaverion Islands and introduced themselves as the representatives of Eonil, her creations and her religion. Not wanting another war Quintra welcomed the Ee’dornil with open arms. She knew all too well of the faith of the goddess Eonil and wanted to honor her memory by honoring her people and those who chose to follow in her faith.

With Quintra’s permission the Ee’dornil started building mystic waygates with the help of the dragons all over Eonil. They could be used to travel between them to other waygates all over Eonil. The waygates were free to use for anyone who knew how they were used and the dragons freely shared this knowledge with anyone who wished to learn. The people who learned how the waygates worked became known as Waykeepers.

One such waygate was built at the foot of the great tree of Eedrasil. Eedrasil was said to be the Lifetree of the world, representing Eonil’s health and livelihood.

It was said that the world had never known a more peaceful time then this, all the continents were connected and thus travel between them for visiting or trade was easier than ever. This didn’t last for very long though, probably no longer than twenty five or so years. Because the light can never shine brightly without the darkness.

Even though the blue moon Denday still shone during the night the lunar cycle was a bitter reminder of what Quintra had done to her sister. The power Quintra had over the beings who lived on Eonil seemed to crumble. She declared peace with the night dwellers who were still left, if only they would convert to her rule. But they refused and remained loyal to Denday. She even tried to bless them with her light, but they didn’t want anything to do with that.

Denday’s absence seemed to eat away at Quintra. Even though Denday’s influence was limited she still blessed her night dwellers and it diminished the followers of the light’s faith in their goddess. The gentle goddess was naïve and her own guilt drove her to desperately seek the forgiveness from Denday through her followers. She was so blinded by this that she didn’t realize she was being tricked until it was too late.

Quintra had ordered her own followers to stand down and not follow her when she was invited to discuss a way to move on from what had happened by a group of loyal followers of Denday and night dwellers. She didn’t realize it was a trap and that night Quintra was tricked into revealing how a god could be banished from Eonil. It didn’t take them very long to recreate this and the followers of Denday banished Quintra from Eonil and forced her back to her own planet like she had done to her sister. The Night dwellers made it very clear that they would never see Quintra or any of her followers as anything but their enemy after what Quintra had done to their goddess.