

The gods created all living beings on Eonil. Especially Quintra and Denday are responsible for creating most of the civilizations that are dominating the planet today. In the beginning there was no economy or anything since coins didn’t exist and value of items were of no importance. This started changing when the dwarves were created to start gathering and cataloging riches. At first the treasures they guarded were only for the twin goddesses but soon the goddesses started using it as a means to reward those who they thought deserved it. The first coins of gold, silver and copper were then created and slowly everything began to have a value. Those who didn’t have any coins could ask for the value of other things they had to trade it for either coins or other things with value.


The twin goddesses also started to appoint certain individuals for certain tasks. Some of these tasks were seen as more important than others and granted the individuals and their family a certain status amongst their own race, but also with the other races because Quintra and Denday saw everyone as equal. Along with this status often came the luxury of wealth and thus the different social classes started to take form. Soon there was a range of social classes leading from poor, to middle class to upper class. The vast majority of people were middle or upper class however since life was good. Since wealth was easily obtainable there was little reason for stealing or other dishonest means of gathering it until the twin goddesses were banished from Eonil.


On Eonil there is no inequality when it comes to gender or race. This is because Quintra and Denday were for the longest time the rulers and they created the races who now dominate the planet. In their eyes everyone is equal. Maybe a man is physically stronger, but a woman could easily compensate that with being more agile, or using magic. This is why the differences between a man and a woman were negligible and they have always been seen as equals in the eyes of the gods.

Nobility and Bloodlines

To further reward their most loyal and faithful followers who were doing the Twin Goddesses big favors in helping to build civilizations for their races Quintra and Denday soon granted some families from different races the titles of nobility. With this new title there were also new responsibilities for the families, but often they were already taking on these responsibilities and this was the way for the goddesses to reward them.

Bloodlines started to play a role for most of the races when the twin goddesses introduced nobility. Many families had a certain reputation whether this was because of wealth, status or social class. The reputation of a family would be linked to their bloodlines and for good or for bad these meant a lot to the majority of the people. A blacksmith coming from a good and trustworthy family of blacksmiths was far more likely to easily get orders or even asked to become a blacksmith in noble families. If you were the son or daughter of a family with a good reputation or bloodline you were far more likely to marry into families of equal standings, sometimes even higher standings. Bloodlines were mostly recorded from both the mother and the father of a child.

Marriage and inheritance

Marriage on Eonil is creating a legal bond between two individuals. In a marriage contract the terms for marriage are written down. Mostly this means the two individual will start to share their belongings, finances and lands if they have any. A marriage doesn’t have to be between a man and a woman. Single sex marriages are just as likely as mixed sex marriages are.

When it comes to inheritance a person will write out who inherits what. With a family with more than one child it isn’t uncommon that belongings are split between all the children. If a person doesn’t have any children he or she can give his or her belongings to whoever they want. As long as it is written out on paper and there is a clear signature of both parties the document is considered legal according to Xaverion Law. If a person should die and he or she hasn’t written a will that states who gets what then it’s up to the next up kin to decide who inherits what.

Family names

On Eonil a person has a first name and two family names. Most commonly the first family name is the one of the parent with the highest social status and then second family name is the name of the other parent.  The family name of the child will then be agreed upon by the mother and the father and if needed be written down in a contract. It is also possible for a first child to for example have their fathers family first name while a second child carries the mothers family name first.

If a same sex couple have a wish for children then it would commonly be with a male or female ‘donor’ that in most cases is an opposite sex sibling of the couple. In same sex marriages it is therefore possible for the children to have different family names then their parents because children get the family names of their biological mother and father.

Sometimes there are other reasons a child outside a marriage is born. Depending on the family and the situation having ‘bastard’ children might be frowned upon or not. Especially families who see a lot of value in bloodlines and often have arranged marriages for so called ‘pure bloodlines’ will see children outside of a marriage as bastards. In these cases marriage between a man and a woman are also preferred and far more likely to be arranged too. Taking a mistress or having a lover outside of these marriages are also far more common here and it depends on the family if it is considered normal or if it’s frowned upon.

In rare cases a child would only be given one family name. Legally both the father and mother need to give their consent to give the child their name. A marriage contract mostly states this consent as given. In case of adultery or rape it’s different. Giving consent also means that the father or mother acknowledges the child to be his or hers and if needed can be asked for compensation to raise the child. Most men and women with honorable intentions will accept this responsibility. If either the mother or the father disagrees on this however it can be taken to court. Through a trial the wishes of both the mother and the father will then be heard and a legally binding contract will be created. In this case a men that is raped by a woman and later finds out she is pregnant can therefore also legally claim the child. Terms of the contract created at court can either include or exclude the family name of either the mother or the father, leaving a child with only one family name.

If a woman falls pregnant with an unwanted child she can choose to end the pregnancy. There are people on Eonil who know the right mixture of herbs to end early pregnancy as well as doctors who can do it surgically. A woman can never be legally forced to carry an unborn child until it’s born, if the father wants the child to be born he can offer a compensation for the mother to not end the pregnancy.